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kolam renang termewah di dunia
1.luxurious swimming pools san alfonso del mar
Terletak di resort San Alfonso del Mar di Chile, 66.000.000 galon air
1km panjang dan ukuran 100 meter (35 meter) secara mendalam, sementara sisanya sebagai transparan seperti kristal halus dari atas ke bawah.
2.luxurious swimming pools golden nugget shark tank pool
The Golden Nugget Las Vegas mega-casino spent $20 million to create an unforgettable oceanic experience for its hotel and casino guests. The casino’s crown jewel is an enormous 200-thousand gallon shark tank that is entirely surround by an impressive swimming pool and cabanas. To really get up close and personal with the sharks circling the tank, then take a wet and wild ride down the 3-story waterslide ending in the refreshing crystal clear waters in the pool beneath.
3.luxurious swimming pools palms playboy bunny las vegas
The brilliant architecture of the infinity swimming pool that is found in the Hugh Hefner Sky Villa at the Palms Hotel in Las Vegas, exceed expectations and beauty. The Playboy Publishing empire entrenched at its very core in beauty and tasteful elegance through and through now takes a delicious dip into luxury swimming pools. No Playboy pool can be complete without its reknowned Playboy Bunny wearing a bowtie!
4.luxurious swimming pools playboy mansion
One of the most exclusive invites is to the Hefner mansion for one of the amazing parties and a dip in the grotto-styled swimming pool. Its hidden alcoves are infamous, and you can be sure some babies to the stars have been made in the infamous dive.
5.luxurious swimming pools begawan giri
Soak up the blazing hot sun in the sweet salty ocean air laying out on the handsomely hardwood deck encroaching up to the Begawan Giri Hotel’s infinity swimming pool. Experience oneness with nature in a swimming pool that seems to fade into the tropical forest treetops of Bali, Indonesia. The lush emerald green and pearl white beaches of Bali only eclipse the aquamarine water that compliments the sheer beauty of this pool.
6.luxurious swimming pools hotel de rome berlin
This has to be the world’s safest places to take a relaxing swim. Located in the prestigious Hotel de Rome of Berlin, this swimming pool is a slice of elegance. It is fit for both the financial guru and the eternally paranoid, as the pool and spa is located in a former bank vault. The building in which the hotel resides was once the Deutsche Transfer Bank.
Terletak di resort San Alfonso del Mar di Chile, 66.000.000 galon air
1km panjang dan ukuran 100 meter (35 meter) secara mendalam, sementara sisanya sebagai transparan seperti kristal halus dari atas ke bawah.
2.luxurious swimming pools golden nugget shark tank pool
The Golden Nugget Las Vegas mega-casino spent $20 million to create an unforgettable oceanic experience for its hotel and casino guests. The casino’s crown jewel is an enormous 200-thousand gallon shark tank that is entirely surround by an impressive swimming pool and cabanas. To really get up close and personal with the sharks circling the tank, then take a wet and wild ride down the 3-story waterslide ending in the refreshing crystal clear waters in the pool beneath.
3.luxurious swimming pools palms playboy bunny las vegas
The brilliant architecture of the infinity swimming pool that is found in the Hugh Hefner Sky Villa at the Palms Hotel in Las Vegas, exceed expectations and beauty. The Playboy Publishing empire entrenched at its very core in beauty and tasteful elegance through and through now takes a delicious dip into luxury swimming pools. No Playboy pool can be complete without its reknowned Playboy Bunny wearing a bowtie!
4.luxurious swimming pools playboy mansion
One of the most exclusive invites is to the Hefner mansion for one of the amazing parties and a dip in the grotto-styled swimming pool. Its hidden alcoves are infamous, and you can be sure some babies to the stars have been made in the infamous dive.
5.luxurious swimming pools begawan giri
Soak up the blazing hot sun in the sweet salty ocean air laying out on the handsomely hardwood deck encroaching up to the Begawan Giri Hotel’s infinity swimming pool. Experience oneness with nature in a swimming pool that seems to fade into the tropical forest treetops of Bali, Indonesia. The lush emerald green and pearl white beaches of Bali only eclipse the aquamarine water that compliments the sheer beauty of this pool.
6.luxurious swimming pools hotel de rome berlin
This has to be the world’s safest places to take a relaxing swim. Located in the prestigious Hotel de Rome of Berlin, this swimming pool is a slice of elegance. It is fit for both the financial guru and the eternally paranoid, as the pool and spa is located in a former bank vault. The building in which the hotel resides was once the Deutsche Transfer Bank.
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